Dr. Iris Kingreen
Specialist in internal medicine
Education and professional experience
professional experience
Continuing education to become a diabetologist
Ismaning/Erding Diabetes and Metabolism Center, 2018-2020
Specialist training to become an internist
Rotkreuz Clinic Munich, Gastroenterology and Diabetology, 2011-2017
Training as a nutritional doctor
“A randomized long-term study on the effects on metabolic control and heart function of analog insulins versus human insulins in ICT (intensified conventional insulin therapy) in type 2 diabetes”
Doctoral mother: Prof. Helene von Bibra
Bogenhausen Clinic, Munich
Study of human medicine
Technical University of Munich, 2003-2010
Effects of analogue insulin in multiple daily injection therapy of type 2 diabetes on postprandial glucosecontrol and cardiac function compared to human insulin: a randomized controlled long-term study.
von Bibra H, Siegmund T, Kingreen I, Riemer M, Schuster T, Schumm-Draeger PM
Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2016 Jan 16;15:7. doi: 10.1186/s12933-015-0320-2.
ICT-Analoginsulin-Regime verbessern Herzfunktion und postprandiale Blutzuckerkontrolle bei Typ 2Diabetes mehr als ICT-Humaninsulin-Regime
H von Bibra, T Siegmund, M Riemer, I Walther, PM Schumm-Draeger
Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2009;4-P_82
Herzfunktion und postprandiale Blutzuckerkontrolle werden bei Typ 2 Diabetes durch ICT-Analoginsulin-Regime mehr als durch ICT-Humaninsulin-Regime verbessert
I Walther, H von Bibra, T Siegmund, A Pfützner, PM Schumm-Draeger
Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2011; 6-P134
Analogue versus human insulin therapy improves postmeal glucose und cardiac function in patientswith type 2 diabetes with multiple daily injections (MDI)
Helene von Bibra, Iris Walther, Thorsten Siegmund, Tibor Schuster, Andreas Pfützner, Petra-MariaSchumm-Draeger
ADA; 71st Scientific Sessions 2011, Abstract Number: 1522-P