Dr. Franziska Ehni
Specialist in general medicine

Einbecker Str. 119, 10315 Berlin

Education and professional experience
professional experience
Specialist in general medicine
Joint practice Dr. Scheding, Schröder, Nehm, Berlin 2020 - 2022
Recognition as a specialist in general medicine
Berlin Medical Association, 2019
Specialist training to become a general practitioner
Practice for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine Dres. Bonnet and Pietsch, Berlin, 2019
General Medicine Practice, Dr. Lott, Berlin, 2017 - 2018
Department of Internal Medicine, Berlin Prison Hospital, 2016 - 2017
Plastic and Hand Surgery Clinic, University Hospital Erlangen, 2014 - 2015
Department of Thoracic Surgery and Department of Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Zurich, 2012 - 2014
FMCH basic examination in surgery (grade very good), Switzerland, 2013
Department of Trauma Surgery/Orthopedics, Bundeswehr Hospital Berlin, 2011
“Neural correlates of emotional feedback in patients with borderline personality disorder”, overall score magna cum laude, Frankfurt am Main
Study of human medicine
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 2004 — 2010
Practical year
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland Department of Internal Medicine, 04/2010 - 08/2010
Practical year
University College London, UK Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, 12/2009 - 11/2010
Erasmus scholarship
Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, 2008 - 2009
Body Integrity Identity Disorder: First successes in long-term psychotherapy. Thiel A, Ehni FJ, Oddo S, Forehead apsychiatric practice 2011; 38 (5): 256-258
The free microsurgical TMG flap plasty for breast reconstruction. Ehni FJ, Horch RE, Arcudas A, Beier JPPlastic Surgery 3/2014:159-164uh
Three questions, three answers
