For all health insurance and private patients
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What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient treatment method of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been used for thousands of years to treat various ailments and illnesses. In modern primary care practice, it is increasingly being used to offer patients a holistic treatment option with few side effects.

In 1997, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a list of indications that recognizes the effectiveness of acupuncture for various diseases and complaints. This list is a valuable resource for patients and doctors and can be found on our website.

WHO (World Health Organization) list for acupuncture

gastrointestinal disorders

  • Functional gastrointestinal disorders
  • singulate, hyperemesis
  • esophagitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis
  • Ventricular ulcer, duodenal ulcer
  • cholecystitis
  • hepatitis
  • constipation, diarrhea
  • Colon irritable (irritable bowel syndrome)
  • ulcerative colitis
  • Crohn's disease

diseases of the musculoskeletal system

  • myofascial pain syndromes
  • radicular syndromes
  • pseudoradicular syndromes
  • arthralgia, arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
  • cervical spine syndrome, torticollis
  • BWS syndrome
  • lumbar spine syndrome, lumbago, sciatica
  • Shoulder-arm syndrome, humeroscapular periarthritis
  • epicondylopathies
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • coxarthrosis, coxalgia
  • gonarthrosis, gonalgia
  • tendinopathies (tendon disorders, e.g. tennis elbows, Achilles tendonitis)

skin disorders

  • urticaria (hives)
  • atopic dermatitis

Bronchopulmonary disorders

  • bronchitis
  • Pseudocroup
  • Hyper-responsive bronchial system
  • bronchial asthma

cardiovascular diseases

  • Functional heart diseases
  • heart rhythm disturbances
  • angina pectoris, coronary heart disease
  • hypertension
  • hypotension
  • circulatory disorders

Gynecological symptoms

  • cycle disorders, dysmenorrhea
  • premenstrual syndrome
  • climacteric syndrome
  • mastopathy
  • fertility disorders, frigidity
  • Birth preparation, childbirth induction, birth facilitation
  • lactation disorders

Neurological disorders

  • migraine
  • Tension headache
  • trigeminal neuralgia
  • Atypical facial pain
  • intercostal neuralgia
  • herpetic neuralgia
  • Phantom pain
  • polyneuropathy, paresthesias
  • paralysis, facial palsy
  • Vegetative Dysfunction

Mental and psychosomatic disorders and addictive disorders

  • Depressive moods, depression
  • sleep disorders
  • states of exhaustion
  • psychovegetative syndrome
  • states of restlessness
  • Detoxification treatment and therapy support for addictions
  • bulimia
  • Obesity

Urological disorders

  • cystitis, prostatitis
  • pyelonephritis
  • Functional disorders of the genitourinary tract, irritable bladder
  • urinary incontinence
  • Nocturnal enuresis
  • impotence

What types of acupuncture do we offer?

  • Classic body acupuncture
  • microsystem acupuncture (ear and head)
  • Trigger point acupuncture/dry needling

Assumption of costs

Our practice offers acupuncture exclusively for self-payment services. The costs vary depending on the scope of treatment and duration of therapy (from 45€ per session).

Private health insurance companies: Private insurance companies often have extended benefits and can cover the costs of acupuncture for a wider range of indications. However, this depends on the respective insurance conditions. Please check with your private health insurance provider, as benefits vary from state to state and are constantly changing.