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Disc prolapse

avi helps you with a herniated intervertebral disc

Suffering in Germany over 100,000 people Annual one herniated intervertebral disc.

In order to rule out long-term consequences, a comprehensive therapy Just in case pivotal. Our experienced doctors Are you waiting for this at the side of all our locations.

What is a herniated intervertebral disc?

A herniated intervertebral disc describes a pathological complication of intervertebral discs. This Spinal “shock springs” Are there between individual vertebral bodies.

The individual intervertebral discs consist of a outer fibrous ring and one inner gelatinous core. A herniated intervertebral disc occurs in outer fibrous ring cracks and the inner gelatinous nucleus emerges. The leaked tissue squeezes Now on spinal cord nerves, What damages them or even completely cuts them off. The result is severe pain up to sensory disorders and paralysis.    

When is it a herniated intervertebral disc?

The herniated intervertebral disc can depending on the extent into categorize three stages. That's how you get different diagnoses. These are:

  • discus protrusion (disc bulging). The intervertebral disc core is only slightly displaced
  • discus prolapse (herniated intervertebral disc). The intervertebral disc core is displaced and so damaged that tissue escapes
  • the discus sequester. The escaped intervertebral disc tissue has completely lost its connection to the intervertebral disc core

What are the causes of a herniated intervertebral disc?

To the Count possible triggers of a herniated intervertebral disc among other things:

  • natural age-related wear and tear (from the age of 20, the water content of the fibrous ring and gelatinous core decreases, making them more susceptible to injuries)
  • incorrect movements (heavy lifting)
  • accidents (falls on the back)

What are the possible symptoms of a herniated intervertebral disc?

Die typical symptoms of a herniated intervertebral disc are:

  • sharp, sudden pain
  • depending on the level at which the damaged intervertebral disc is located: pain in the neck radiating to the arms, pain in the back or costal arches, or pain in the lumbar region radiating to the legs
  • Sensitive disorders such as tingling or numbness
  • muscle paralysis
  • Reflex failure
  • for particularly severe events in the lumbar region: bladder and continence disorders, impotence, complete paralysis of the legs

Treatment of a herniated intervertebral disc at avi

Comprehensive treatment of a stroke starts with diagnostics. This helps the acute emergency of simple back pain toward distinguish and comprises:

  • Preparation of an anamnesis
  • Reflex and sensitivity tests
  • Functional testing (standing, gait) and orthopedic flexion tests
  • in hospital: X-ray, MRI or CT of the spine

This is followed by a multimodal therapy, which combines various approaches. This includes:

  • pain management
  • physiotherapy
  • heat therapy
  • massage
  • for mild herniated intervertebral discs: strengthening the muscles
  • Education and movement training (proper lifting, carrying, lying down)
  • in emergency situations: admission to hospital for surgical treatment

And so that there is no herniated intervertebral disc in the first place — Prevention for us of avi one important component. This is composed of together with the following elements:   

  • sufficient movement
  • Back school
  • regular examinations
  • Maintaining a normal weight