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Overweight & Obesity

avi helps you if you are overweight

Together with increased blood pressure and blood lipid levels and Type 2 diabetes Does obesity belong to the so-called “Prosperity Syndrome.” Obesity is therefore not an independent clinical picture. But: It essentially increases the risk for development cardiovascular complications Like one atherosclerosis or one heart attack and should therefore be diagnosed and treated at an early stage. Our doctors From avi you are here at all our locations to the side.

What is overweight?

Reduced to the essentials, the term obesity refers to a Weight above the norm. However, this state of affairs is more difficult to identify than it appears at first glance. Because: Being overweight is not unhealthy per se. For example, the weight of an athletic person is often above the norm, as muscles are heavier than fat.

The purpose of assessing the existence of obesity is therefore Not the weight alone. Factors such as individual muscle and body fat percentage and their distribution should also be considered.

From when is it overweight?

The first step in diagnosing obesity is to determine the individual body mass index (BMI for short). This is calculated from the body weight in kilograms in relation to the square of the height in meters and is between 18.5 and 24.9.

Starting at 25 Will a so-called preadiposity diagnosed. From 30 is grade I obesity and from a value of 35 the obesity grade II. Does the BMI exceed the value of 40 After all, is the Obesity grade III before (the so-called obesity per magna).

As a support, the waist circumference is often measured during diagnostics in order to abdominal obesity to determine. This is shown from a circumference of 88 cm for women and 102 cm for men.

What are the causes of excess weight?

To the most common triggers Obesity includes:

  • lifestyle (poor diet and lack of exercise and sleep)
  • various diseases, e.g. hypothyroidism
  • medications such as cortisone and isolated antidepressants and antipsychotics
  • genetic predisposition

What are the possible symptoms of being overweight?

Die typical side effects Obesity is:

  • hypertension
  • Atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular complications such as heart attacks, strokes, kidney and other organ damage
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2
  • tumours
  • muscle weakness

Overweight treatment with avi

The first step of your obesity treatment is Information and advice on lifestyle change. These include, for example, a reduction in daily calorie intake, an individual diet and physical exercise. As a rule, these measures are sufficient to normalize your laboratory values.

However, should the excess weight persist: Our experienced doctors at avi supplement the Treatment medicamentously, around those due to obesity triggered sequelae (such as high blood pressure, diabetes, increased blood lipid levels) to regulate.

Finally, weight-reducing surgery performed in hospital serves as the ultimate ratio for the most severe form of overweight, obesity per magna.