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Vaccination against poliomyelitis (child paralysis)

What is poliomyelitis (polio)?

Behind this is the disease polio, which is caused by poliomyelitis viruses. The viruses are excreted in the stool and are transmitted primarily through smear infection (stool, hand and mouth). This can happen if you do not wash your hands or do not wash them properly after defecating. Contaminated drinking water can also be a source of infection.
Around 5% of people infected with the virus have fever, sore throats and headaches — usually mistaken as (summer) flu. For every 100 to 1,000. Infected people experience permanent, sagging paralysis of the arm or leg muscles, and in the worst case also of the speaking, swallowing or respiratory muscles.
In 2002, WHO declared all of Europe to be polio-free. However, polio and polio still occur in some countries and regions (for example in Afghanistan and Pakistan) and can therefore be reintroduced to Germany. It therefore remains a good idea to get vaccinated.

Who and when should be vaccinated against child vaccination?

These vaccinations are relevant for every age group and everyone, in particular for travelers to regions with a high risk of infection.

Primary immunization usually takes place in childhood. After the age of 18, vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria should be carried out once in combination with the next required refresher. A routine refresher afterwards is recommended for anyone who has an increased risk of infection, such as personnel who come into contact with people who may be ill or their body waste, or travelers to regions where polio cases still occur.

How is poliomyelitis vaccination carried out and what must be considered?

Polio vaccination is a dead vaccine and is usually carried out as a combination vaccination. The vaccination is done in your upper arm muscle.

The vaccination is well tolerated. Very often, the stimulation of the body's own immune system causes redness or swelling at the injection site, which can also be painful. General symptoms such as an increase in temperature, chills, tiredness, muscle pain or gastrointestinal problems can rarely occur in the first three days after vaccination. Such vaccination reactions usually subside after one to three days.

Good to know: Polio caused by vaccination, which occurred in very rare cases (around 1 in 3 million vaccinations) with the live vaccine used earlier, is excluded from the current vaccine.

What should I do if I think I need a poliomyelitis vaccine?

To check whether you have vaccination protection, simply arrange a Vaccination status check appointment in one of our avi practices and talk to our team of doctors. You will be given detailed advice as to whether you are already protected or whether you should receive a vaccination. The doctors will also check whether there are any other vaccinations that would be useful for you and will carry them out directly if necessary.