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Tetanus vaccination

What is tetanus?

This is what is known as tetanus. This is an infection caused by the bacteria Clostridium tetani, which is found all over the world. The bacteria is hiding in the soil, and even small wounds, scratches, or stings with a splinter or thorn are enough for the bacteria to enter your body. The toxins that the bacteria secrete cause severe cramps and paralysis in the muscles due to damage to the muscle-controlling nerve cells. At the beginning, the facial muscles are typically affected. If the poison gets into the muscles of the larynx or chest, this can lead to death from suffocation.
Even though tetanus infections are extremely rare in Germany thanks to high vaccination rates, vaccination protection is worthwhile. This is because the source of infection is retained and even if treated early, tetanus can still be fatal today.

Who and when should be vaccinated?

These vaccinations are relevant for every age group. Vaccination protection against tetanus (primary immunization) is usually developed in childhood.

Booster vaccinations for adults with full primary vaccination should every 10 years may take place earlier after injuries. This is usually done in combination with diptheria, possibly also with pertussis and polio.

How is vaccination carried out and what must be considered?

Tetanus vaccination is a dead vaccine and is usually carried out as a combination vaccination. The vaccination is carried out in the upper arm muscle.

The vaccination is well tolerated. Very often, the stimulation of the body's own immune system causes redness or swelling at the injection site, which can also be painful. General symptoms such as an increase in temperature, chills, tiredness, muscle pain or gastrointestinal problems can rarely occur in the first three days after vaccination. Such vaccination reactions usually subside after one to three days.

What should I do?

To check whether you have vaccination protection, simply arrange a Vaccination status check appointment in one of our avi practices and talk to our team of doctors. You will be given detailed advice as to whether you are already protected or whether you should receive a vaccination. The doctors will also check whether there are any other vaccinations that would be useful for you and will carry them out directly if necessary.