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Sleep disorders

avi helps you with sleep disorders

Almost half of all Germans suffer Once in her life due to a sleep disorder. A clinical picture that many serious side effects has. The causes can vary greatly from person to person and must also be clarified. In the long term, lack of sleep is followed, among other things, by loss of performance, overweight, depression And a increased risk of cardiovascular complications. 

Die early diagnosis and treatment Your sleep disorder is therefore for your health essential. Our experienced doctors Accompany you here at all of our locations.

What is a sleep disorder?

The term sleep disorder refers to a Group of sleep-related disorders. The most important representatives of this genus are Insomnia and parasomnia.

The former stands out difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep off. The resulting Qualitatively reduced night sleep eventually leads to consecutive tiredness during the day. Insomnia mainly occurs in older women.

Parasomnia, in turn, refers to disorders during sleep. This includes, for example sleepwalking, nightmares or sudden startling with panic screams from sleep. This clinical picture primarily affects women in adolescence.

When is it a sleep disorder?

For a diagnosis of sleep disorder, only the following criterion Be satisfied: Unrestful sleep, The at least three times a week appearance and at least a month persists.

What are the triggers of a sleep disorder?

The possible triggers of a sleep disorder are extremely diverse and should not be ignored in order to get to the root of the problems. To the Verifiably most common counts:

  • situational stress due to temporary stressful situations. This type of sleep disorder usually lasts a maximum of three months
  • psychologically related thought circles or mental illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder with flashbacks and depression
  • Inadequate sleep hygiene. This includes irregular sleep/wake times, e.g. during shift work or a restless sleeping environment, for example due to exposure to bright light or noise
  • stimulants such as coffee, nicotine, alcohol or even “heavy” meals

What are the possible symptoms of a sleep disorder?

Die typical symptoms A sleep disorder is:

  • difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep
  • waking up too early in the morning
  • unrestful sleep and daytime sleepiness despite adequate sleep duration
  • mood swings
  • loss of performance
  • concentration disorders

The treatment of a sleep disorder with avi

At avi, the comprehensive treatment of your sleep disorder starts with early diagnosis. Medical measures based on this are:

  • Preparation of a comprehensive anamnesis to determine the cause
  • Exclude other physical or psychiatric disorders that may trigger sleep disorders. These include pain syndromes, reflux, restless legs syndrome or sleep apnea

In rare cases The diagnosis includes an extension in the clinic. Here it is replaced by a EEG And a polysomnography added. The latter examines brain waves, respiration, oxygen saturation, heartbeat, snoring noises, eye and muscle movements for abnormalities.

The diagnosis is followed by therapeutic treatment. This comprises:

  • Advice and education about evidence-based sleep hygiene, sleep routines and individual behaviours
  • Relaxation techniques (progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, meditation)
  • in exceptional cases and for a limited period of time: medicines. These include preparations such as herbal sleep-promoting agents (valerian, hops), melatonin (natural sleep hormone, also available as a nasal spray) or antihistamines. In the case of accompanying depression, also sleep-promoting antidepressants such as mirtazapine. In more extreme cases, also: benzodiazepines or so-called Z drugs