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avi helps you with a lumbago

Up to 85 percent of all people suffer from lumbago once in her life. The acute back pain is usually harmless and heal by itself. But: Lumbago can also do that symptom one serious illness be. So start as early as possible with the treatment! Our experienced doctors assist you in this at all our locations.

What is lumbago?

Known colloquially as lumbago, the terms mean lumbago, acute lumbar syndrome, or acute lumbalgia sudden onset pain in the area of lower back. These are usually caused by a acute muscle tension, which irritates the nerves of the spine.

When is it lumbago?

For the Lumbago diagnosis must meets the following points be:

  • sudden severe low back pain
  • Those affected have a history of musculoskeletal disorders or disorders

What are the causes of lumbago?

Typical triggers of lumbago are:

  • unusual or drastic movements (such as incorrect, heavy or jerky lifting, turning, bending)
  • reduced back muscles
  • sitting for a long time
  • lack of exercise
  • preponderance
  • psychological stress
  • cold wet climate

Good to know: Lumbago does not always occur immediately after the trigger, but can also show up hours or days later.

What are the possible symptoms of lumbago?

lumbago Do you recognize on the following typical symptoms:

  • severe pain in the back area, which intensifies when coughing, sneezing and general movement
  • Gentle posture (those affected are often bent forward)
  • inability to move

The treatment of lumbago in avi

Die comprehensive therapy A lumbago comprises the following measures:

  • light movements (such as stretching exercises)
  • Heat applications
  • For acute or very severe pain, also: anti-inflammatory painkillers or cortisone infiltration

For is also prevention one important component when treating a lumbalgia. This includes:

  • Back school
  • Information about proper lifting, sitting posture and back-friendly work