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Certificate of incapacity for work (AU) and certificate

What is a certificate of incapacity for work (AU) and when do I need it?

If you are ill, you should get some rest. Your required work cannot be completed and infectious illnesses such as a cold or flu can infect your colleagues.

As an employee, you need a medical certificate as proof of your loss of work due to illness — the so-called certificate of incapacity for work (AU), often also known as a “yellow certificate”, certificate or simply sick note.

The certificate of incapacity for work serves as proof to your boss and employer that you are really ill and that a doctor has certified that you cannot go to work for the period of incapacity for work. This proof is important if only so that you receive continued payment of your salary from the employer.

A certificate of incapacity for work can be issued in two cases:
- As an initial certificate: You have contracted this disease for the first time within the last six months.
- As a follow-up certificate: Your illness lasts beyond the originally stated period.

How do I get a certificate of incapacity for work (AU)?

If you need an AU, simply make an appointment at one of our avi practices and talk to our team of doctors.