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Musculoskeletal problems

What is the musculoskeletal system?

Your body's musculoskeletal system includes all structures that ensure that you can stand upright and move around. This includes bones, joints, ligaments and tendons as well as the muscle and fascial system.

What are the possible causes of musculoskeletal problems?

Musculoskeletal complaints can have very different causes:

back pain

Apart from specific illnesses or injuries, most people suffer from rather unspecific symptoms. It is often poor posture or incorrect stress that cause the typical back symptoms. In most cases, you don't need to worry because back pain usually disappears after a few days, after two weeks at the latest.

However, we can just back pain reappear again and again. The pain is not limited to one age group. They also occur among young people and can increase as they get older. The age group of 30 to 50 year olds has to deal with pain attacks particularly often. The proportion of women who suffer from back pain is significantly higher in every age group than among men of the same age. Women are affected much more frequently, especially when it comes to chronic back pain.

joint pain

Is it osteoarthritis, rheumatism, or maybe gout? But maybe just bursitis? Joint pain can have many different causes and occurs at different locations. It can only affect a single joint or several joints, only small joints (such as on the fingers) or large joints (such as the hip joint). They can occur acutely or chronically. Sometimes they only occur at rest (resting pain) or at night (night pain).

Overall, joint pain is a common occurrence; it is estimated that almost half of all people suffer from joint pain after the age of 45. If you have limited mobility of the painful joint, fever, reddened skin over the painful joint or a severely swollen joint, a visit to us is definitely recommended.

muscle pain

You have around 650 muscles that are spread over your entire body and perform a wide variety of functions. If these are used excessively, muscle pain occurs. Exercise is also a common cause of muscle pain. This can be harmless muscle soreness or strains or bruises as a result of sports accidents. This type of pain subsides relatively quickly. However, if muscle pain occurs without tension or sports injury, the cause may also be an illness.

Statics and posture problems

The “spine” system has a dynamic structure to react flexibly to movement and shock. Its normal construction has four curves when viewed from the side. Even minor deviations from your normal statics can have serious consequences and trigger symptoms.

An incorrect posture is a major cause of posture problems. If you have worked hard physically for years or sit for hours, for example at work, this promotes poor posture. Your spine and associated muscles are permanently strained on one side. This sometimes results in a gentle posture and your muscles cramp up.

In the long run, this can unbalance the entire muscular support mantle of the spine: strong muscle packs form in tense areas, while muscle mass continues to decline on the opposite side. This strengthens and worsens poor posture and results in posture damage that can no longer be compensated for.


Pain and crunch are typical signs of joint wear, including osteoarthritis called. If the symptoms get worse, they can severely restrict your mobility. Osteoarthritis can develop in any joint, but most commonly in the knee, hip, or spine. Elderly people are usually affected by joint wear. Sometimes osteoarthritis develops even in middle age. If you have severe, chronic symptoms, a joint replacement may be necessary.


The term rheumatism comprises many different diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which are often associated with pain and movement restrictions. The entire musculoskeletal system, but also internal organs or the entire body can be affected. The exact cause of inflammatory rheumatic diseases is usually unknown. Rheumatism can occur at any age.


Die gout It usually develops over several years. The phase in which an elevated level of uric acid develops in the blood without showing symptoms is known as “asymptomatic hyperuricaemia.” Over time, sharp, sharp-edged uric acid crystals can be deposited in joints and kidneys in particular and cause inflammation.


At the osteoporosis The mass, quality and strength of bones are reduced and their fragility is increased. Osteoporosis can occur in both women and men of all ages, but its incidence is increasing among older people. Osteoporosis is a gradual disease and usually only causes symptoms in advanced stages. The first signs may be a decrease in body size or back pain.

What can I do if I have problems with the musculoskeletal system?

If you have frequent problems in the musculoskeletal system, a doctor's appointment is useful. Make an appointment directly at one of our avi practices. With the help of a detailed medical history interview and a physical examination, we work together to find the cause and develop an individual therapy together.