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Vaccination against pertussis (whooping cough)

What is pertussis?

The whooping cough is hiding behind it. This is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. The bacterium is widespread worldwide and can be transmitted by coughing, sneezing or talking, i.e. by droplets. The bacteria are passed on very easily and the probability that a person will infect all other unprotected family members is almost 100 percent.

Adults with whooping cough usually suffer from weeks of non-specific cough, the average is six to seven weeks. However, they can also become seriously ill. Complications occur in around a quarter of cases (e.g. weight loss, inguinal and rib fractures, lung or middle ear infections, incontinence, and, more rarely, cerebral hemorrhages). Around one to four percent of all adult patients must be treated in hospital, most of whom are older people.

Deaths from whooping cough are very rare in adulthood. However, for infants, whooping cough can pose a real threat. Pulmonary and middle ear infections occur, which must be treated in hospital and are sometimes life-threatening. Since the infection primarily occurs through close contacts (around 80 percent of cases) without them being aware of it, it is not only useful to vaccinate infants against whooping cough as early as possible, but parents and other caregivers should also get vaccinated before the child is born.

Who and when should be vaccinated against pertussis (whooping cough)?

These vaccinations are relevant for every age group. Especially for infants, pregnant women and close contact persons of infants.

Primary immunization usually takes place in childhood. However, you can catch up on them at any time; a vaccination is sufficient for this in adulthood.
In adulthood, vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria should be carried out once in combination with the next refresher due. A single vaccine against whooping cough is not available.

The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) recommends vaccination in particular to all women who wish to have children and close contact persons of infants (siblings, grandparents, babysitters, etc.) in order to prevent endangering the newborn. If you are pregnant, you should get vaccinated against whooping cough during the last third of your pregnancy. In this process, antibodies from the mother against the disease are transferred to the child (nest protection). The vaccination also protects the mother, of course.

How is vaccination against pertussis carried out and what must be considered?

Pertussis vaccination is a dead vaccine and is usually carried out as a combination vaccination. The vaccination is done in your upper arm muscle.

The vaccination is well tolerated. Very often, the stimulation of the body's own immune system causes redness or swelling at the injection site, which can also be painful. General symptoms such as an increase in temperature, chills, tiredness, muscle pain or gastrointestinal problems can rarely occur in the first three days after vaccination. Such vaccination reactions usually subside after one to three days.

What should I do next?

To check whether you have vaccination protection, simply arrange a Vaccination status check appointment in one of our avi practices and talk to our team of doctors. You will be given detailed advice as to whether you are already protected or whether you should receive a vaccination. The doctors will also check whether there are any other vaccinations that would be useful for you and will carry them out directly if necessary.